I prayed about serving a mission for months. Not necessarily because I wanted to serve, but because I felt like I needed to.
General Conference rolled around and the mission age changed (no, that's not what did it). I was shocked. Unlike my sister, who is now serving her mission in Tallahassee, I did not cry; I was not excited. I was not thrilled.
This was not the answer I was looking for.
It's a good thing God is patient.
Summer of 2013, I had the opportunity to represent my state at the Distinguished Young Women National Finals in Mobile, Alabama. It was one of the greatest experiences in my life, one of the reasons being the several missionary opportunities I had. Through that experience, along with several others, I made up my mind that I would serve a mission a year after college at BYU.
That year went by so fast.
During that first semester at BYU, I met some of my best friends and made some of the greatest memories-- I was having so much fun, and I didn't want it to end. I was getting excited about my education and eventual career, started to get a little more serious with figure skating, enjoyed dating around and got really involved in some volunteer opportunities and activities I was thrilled about. Life was good in Provo, and I didn't want to leave it. I was comfortable there.
But one night, I knew I personally wouldn't be the person, future wife and mother that I needed to be unless I served a mission. That night I made my final decision and I never turned back.
I just finished reading my scriptures, thinking about a mission (again) when my sweet roommate knocked on my bedroom door with a birthday package from my sister. My birthday wasn't until another week and I really wanted to wait to open it until then so I would have something to open on my special day. But for some reason, I felt like I shouldn't wait.
I opened THIS.
From that moment, I knew.
I knew that with the Lord on my side, I could help bring peace, hope, comfort, happiness and meaning to those "who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it"(D&C 123:12).
And I wanted to.
From that moment, I knew.
I knew that with the Lord on my side, I could help bring peace, hope, comfort, happiness and meaning to those "who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it"(D&C 123:12).
And I wanted to.
So I surrendered...I set up an appointment with my bishop that night and started my mission papers right away. I could no longer deny these feelings.
"If we are not willing to grapple with the frustration that comes from honestly and bravely facing the uncertainties we encounter, we may never develop the kind of spiritual maturity that is necessary for our ultimate preparations." --Bruce C. Hafen
I've been called to serve in the Denver Colorado North Mission and couldn't be more excited.
"If we are not willing to grapple with the frustration that comes from honestly and bravely facing the uncertainties we encounter, we may never develop the kind of spiritual maturity that is necessary for our ultimate preparations." --Bruce C. Hafen
Here's to the best 18 months of for my life starting in just 1 month, 24 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 49 seconds…46, 45, 44, 43….but who's counting? :)